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Breast Cancer & Diabetes

Patients with Diabetes frequently have worse outcomes with Breast Cancer Than Do Breast Cancer patients who don’t have Diabetes.. The combination of Breast Cancer and diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent (type 1) patients have a worse prognosis compared with other women with breast cancer. The results of a recent study in Sweden imply that insulin-treated breast cancer patients have a worse survival regardless of tumor stage.

The data also suggested that Metformin therapy partially counteracted the association. In other words, adding Metformin to the treatment regimen may be helpful to breast cancer patients who also suffer from diabetes. Metformin has been extensively investigated for its anti-tumor effect. Metformin is an oral medication used in type 2 diabetes to help control Blood Sugar levels.

"In other words, adding Metformin to the treatment regimen may be helpful to breast cancer patients who also suffer from diabetes."

In the treatment of diabetes, it is sometimes used in combination with insulin but generally not for type 1 diabetics. More studies will help us to get a better understanding of when it is appropriate to include Metformin in the treatment of breast cancer patients with diabetes. Globally, Breast Cancer and Cancer of the Endometrium have both been linked to root causes including hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), obesity, and diabetes.

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